I will lead your business as temporary assignee through mission-critical development phases or assume project responsibility for
current business activities.
As long as required. As brief as possible.
Optimize your processes with me: Reduce costs, increase efficiency, increase effectiveness. Whether it is to shorten response times, implement new technologies or standardize the IT infrastructure: As an interim manager, I establish modern controlling and management tools, such as a reliable shop floor management, to demonstrate and exploit potential for improvement. With a total quality management based on the Japanese Kaizen principles, you will implement a zero-defect strategy that reduces costs through high quality and generates high customer satisfaction.
The turnover of a company involves important decisions for the success of your business:
Are your sales declining? Then individual business units or even the whole company have to be restructured or brought to the "right" size. I accompany you as an interim executive in the process of right sizing: Within the scope of reliable lean management, we will jointly streamline overcapacities, administrative structures and decision-making levels in your company.
Are your sales increasing excessively? Have you added another company, set up subsidiaries or relocated your production to LCC (low cost countries)? As interim manager I will accompany you in the reorientation of your business.
Is your business undergoing a generation change? A corporate succession brings fundamental changes: Leadership and goals of the new generation of leaders may differ, even significantly. To make corporate succession successful I first coach the "old generation" who has built up and managed the company successfully. Now they must let go and let the new generation find their own way. Only then can a future-oriented strategic orientation of the company be jointly developed. Here it is essential to involve all employees so that they learn to cope with the new management culture.
The sales markets for your products are constantly changing. Is today's product line ready to meet tomorrow's demand? A strongly interconnected and globalized world reinvents itself every day. Now and then you may have to realign your company in the short term. Together with you, I will organise a fast and efficient change and ensure that your company will be competitive even the day after tomorrow.
Changing mindsets and behaviour patterns of society likewise demand a cultural change from employees and processes in your company.
Structural adjustments and a new management style keep a fast-growing medium-sized company on track for success.
Consistent flexibility and cost optimization improve the result, e.g. in the company of the supplier industry.
The establishment of common structures and communication tools welds different corporate mentalities together.
More responsibility for employees and targeted incentives create market-oriented business units. Sustainable realignment of a US subsidiary.
A long leash is good, tight guidance and clear targets generate result and sustainability.